The UK is more than the democratic decision of its people to leave the EU.
It wasn’t part of the EU for centuries before and was, by and large, a good place to live — relatively speaking, of course! I wouldn’t suddenly dislike ANY European country if they decided to leave the EU, so don’t follow your line of thinking here. But I’m pleased you like the UK for the most part, and I don’t think you’ll wake up on 30 March and discover the things that matter about a country have vanished. In all seriousness, I’ve noticed no change in anything in my own life since Brexit was voted for. And Polish people I speak to don’t seem very fussed either. The UK government has already said EU migrant’s rights are protected here, whatever happens — something the hallowed EU hasn’t reciprocated on for UK citizens…
Interesting you identify as “European” and don’t mention where you’re from. I think this is definitely a difference in perception, as British people rarely identify as European (maybe only in a geographical sense) and we tend to refer to “Europe” as interchangeable with “mainland Europe”. It’s always “the UK” and “Europe” as separate things, even going back years and years.
I read an interesting article about how German school children as taught to be “European” as there’s a subconsciously feeling of disgrace in being too “nationalistic” — going back to WWII. That’s a shame; nobody should feel that way about their country. But maybe there’s something historical about how, for British people, the EU has never really felt like a “club” that’s better than what we have here. A different mindset maybe, again with roots to how WWI played out and our role liberating the conquered countries?
Anyway, enjoy the rom-coms — Four Wedding and a Funeral turns 25 very soon. :)