It explains he wanted the twist to be that Ruby isn't a cosmically important person, which I appreciated, but it makes the clues that she IS now feel... stupid.
The same thing happening to Rey made sense. She was just a Force user, and her parentage wasn't important. Until Rise of Skywalker bowed to disgruntled fans and changed the intention for her character's arc.
I don't personally hold out hope that this issue will somehow be properly explained next season, as it feels like RTD just has this sort of attitude to the show's sci-fi elements: introduce a lot of big mysteries, keep hinting that amazing things are involved, but then do a rug-pull and shrug your shoulders if it doesn't actually make sense. It's a show for kids, you're thinking too deep about things... blah-blah, usual excuses are thrown around.
This reveal would have worked perfectly fine without the weird snow appearing whenever Ruby thought about her origins, and without the cloaked figure pointing at a random sign post with nobody around to see her do that.